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Kanji Stroke Orders and Regional Differences

Kanji characters are fundamental to Japanese writing and are also used across various regions in East Asia, each with its own unique practices. SakeSaySo utilizes Kanji Vector Graphics (KanjiVG) to animate the stroke orders of kanji, enrich learning with visually.

Kanji characters are fundamental to Japanese writing and are also used across various regions in East Asia, each with its own unique practices. SakeSaySo utilizes Kanji Vector Graphics (KanjiVG) to animate the stroke orders of kanji, enrich learning with visually.

Kanji on Vocabulary Pages


Kanji on Flash-Cards


KanjiVG offers detailed vector graphics for kanji, providing shape and direction of strokes but and their sequence. Japanese kanji are derived from Traditional Chinese characters and share many similarities with them in terms of structure and complexity. While Simplified Chinese characters, used predominantly in mainland China, have reduced strokes and altered forms for easier handwriting and learning, Japanese kanji have maintained many of the original complexities found in Traditional Chinese. This close resemblance to Traditional Chinese characters makes kanji a gateway to Japanese language but also connects cultural and historical threads between Japan and regions like Taiwan and Hong Kong, where Traditional Chinese is still used.

The structure of kanji is broken down into radicals and elements. While radicals help in categorizing and memorizing kanji, elements play a key role in defining the character’s full meaning and appearance. This distinction is interesting for learners, as it aids in understanding the composition and logic behind each kanji. For those using SakeSaySo, we’ve enabled stroke orders, for English speakers, by default on vocabulary pages and flash cards. You can find the toggles in the settings menu.

For anyone fascinated by the depth and diversity of languages, kanji offers a compelling glimpse into the cultural dialogues of East Asia. Take a moment to explore SakeSayso and let us know what you think!

Sentence based Japanese-English Learning

Sentences are a powerful tool for language learning. They provide context and grammar in a natural way, and can be used to learn vocabulary, grammar, and instill a feel for the language. Sentences can be used to learn new words, phrases, and idioms, and can help you understand how words are used in context.

Language is the bridge between cultures, and SakeSaySo commits to guiding learners across this bridge one sentence at a time. Unlike traditional language learning methods focused on isolated words or grammar rules, SakeSaySo focuses on Japanese-English through sentences. These sentences, drawn from stories and real-life dialogues, are supported by the JMDict dictionary, enabling deep dives into sentence fragments, words, and phrases including conjugations. While the app comes preloaded with thousands of example sentences alongside vocabulary, it also encourages users to expand their learning by adding their own sentences, thereby enhancing personal and community learning experiences.

Sentences provide context, which is important for understanding how language operates in the real world. This context aids in learning vocabulary in a natural manner and grasping grammatical structures as they are actually used. More than just a learning tool, they are revealing patterns, nuances, and the beauty inherent in everyday communication.

In times of ChatGPT, creating sentences for specific real-world scenarios has become more accessible. For example, we’ve crafted dialogues for engaging with Japanese institutions like the Pension Office and Hello Work, demonstrating how sentence-based learning can prepare users for real-life interactions.

ChatGPT dialogue for Japanese Pension Office and Hello Work.
Screenshot: SakeSaySo / CC-BY-CA

I think I need to enroll in social insurance here. Could you tell me how?

I think I need to enroll in employment insurance and unemployment insurance here. Could you tell me how?

Note that in SakeSaySo v1.2.0, a newline was required at the end of the last sentence, this bug was just fixed in v1.2.1.

The format for importing sentences is simple, each sentence on a new line where the order of languages doesn’t matter. The app will automatically recognize the language and add the sentence to the respective deck. Sentences can be learned on flash cards and their tokens can be inspected for individual words and phrases. From the sentence page, we can navigate to the dictionary entry for a word or phrase and add unknown vocabulary to our vocabulary decks.

Deck with Sentences


Flash-Cards with Sentences


Language is not just for the classroom but for life. SakeSaySo aims to support learners in applying the language in real-world scenarios.

Sharing Flash Card Decks

Flash Cards enable spaced repetition learning and help encapsulate sessions and chapters during language learning. With a focus on collaboration, a simple plaintext approach to building decks allows for collaboration and dictionary matching upon import.

Flash cards have long been a staple in language learning, offering a compact and effective method for memorizing vocabulary, phrases, and sentences. Our vocabulary decks focus on collaboration; a simple plaintext format facilitates ease of creation and modification of decks and hopefully encourages sharing.

Shared flashcard deck support from SakeSaySo v1.2.0 onwards.
Screenshot: SakeSaySo / CC-BY-CA

Community decks are supported from version 1.2.0 onwards of the SakeSaySo app. Decks at a glance:

  • Plaintext Format for Easy Editing and Sharing
  • Import and Export Capabilities
  • Dictionary Matching: optional, automatic dictionary matching enriches a deck entry with definitions, usage examples, other dictionary cross-references.
  • Flash Cards with adaptive SM-2 spaced repetition

The driving force behind Vocabulary Decks is the belief that language learning is a collective endeavor. By making deck sharing effortless, we aim to cultivate a learning environment where individuals can contribute to and benefit from others.

You can find community decks in the community section of the app, they’re indexed from the community repository where contributions can be made. See the format specification for more details on format and the import and export section for how to share and import decks.

Spaced Repetition with Adaptive SM-2

Spaced repetition systems (SRS) have emerged as powerful tools for enhancing long-term memory retention. Among these, Anki, advanced algorithms like FSRS, and the renowned SuperMemo (SM-17) stand out for their sophisticated methodologies. SakeSaySo has taken a simplified approach that prioritizes ease of use and simplicity in design.

Spaced repetition is a learning technique that increases intervals of time between subsequent reviews of previously learned material, based on the psychological spacing effect. It’s a strategy that optimizes memorization and recall efficiency. In language learning, this translates to remembering more with less effort.

Anki, FSRS, and SuperMemo SM-17 strut with the confidence of complex algorithms and intricate customization options. Then there’s SakeSaySo, more like the unassuming local izakaya than a flashy nightclub. We have opted for a more laid-back approach, keeping it simple – because who really wants to make recall quality decisions while slurping drinks?

Flash-cards in the SakeSaySo app v1.1.6.
Screenshot: SakeSaySo / CC-BY-CA

When comparing SakeSaySo’s adaptive version of the SM-2 algorithm to Anki, FSRS, and SuperMemo SM-17, it’s essential to understand our rationale. These well-established systems offer comprehensive and complex algorithms that cater to dedicated learners seeking deep customization and control over their learning process.

  • Anki: The versatile powerhouse of SRS, Anki offers intricate customization, appealing to learners who relish fine-tuning their learning experience.
  • FSRS: FSRS for Anki uses advanced algorithms to optimize memory prediction and scheduling. Ideal for data-driven learners, it’s akin to selecting the perfect saké based on intricate taste notes.
  • SuperMemo SM-17: Representing the cutting edge in SRS, SM-17 is based on years of research and offers highly optimized interval timing. It’s ideal for users who seek the most scientifically advanced method.

Keep It Simple and Sip Sake Straight

SakeSaySo’s version of the SM-2 algorithm is designed to be more straightforward. We recognize that while we may not match the depth of Anki or the complexity of SuperMemo SM-17, our focus is on providing a user-friendly interface and an algorithm that’s easy to understand and improve upon.

We understand that after a long day, the last thing you want to do is rate how well you remember a Japanese phrase on a scale. We’ve tailored the SM-2 algorithm to adjusting review intervals based on the speed of recall and personalize that recall speed to what’s ’normal’ for the learner. If a user recalls a word quickly, within a standard deviation of their mean, the interval before the next review is extended, and vice versa. This adaptive approach aims to optimize learning efficiency without overwhelming the user. It also adjusts over time as the user’s recall speed changes.

We’re the first to admit that we won’t match the advanced analytics of FSRS or the personalization of SuperMemo SM-17. But then again, we’re not trying to. Our goal is to take decision-making off your plate while keeping our side simple. Learning Japanese shouldn’t feel like a sommelier exam – it should be as relaxing as enjoying a smooth glass of Junmai Daiginjo.

Join Us

We’re on a journey to make learning Japanese as enjoyable as your favorite drink. We might not have all the answers, but we’re committed to improving one step at a time. Your feedback is the secret ingredient in our brew. Tell us what works, what doesn’t, and how we can make SakeSaySo better.

So, pour yourself a glass, kick back, and let’s learn some Japanese!